Integrated customer support
RayCom’s HelpDesk , is designed and adapted to fully serve the needs of computer systems of the modern enterprise. Provides comprehensive telephone support services in matters of software and hardware.
HelpDesk provides technical support to companies – customers of RayCom, either they are customers with technical support contracts or not. The mode of service is made with a single telephone call, which is routed either to the contact point of the enterprise, or for the case of this call opens a ticket RFA (Request For Action).
The ticket is routed to the appropriate department which takes over the processing of the application. At each point of processing the customer's request, they can be informed of the request and the end of the routing of the call, there is information to them about the outcome of their request and the process followed. These tickets, open to any customer request to RayCom, and which may involve technical support, or any other application. In terms of technical support, routing of requests made to qualified engineers with extensive experience and expertise, properly trained to resolve any request for technical support. For the above operation, our company has:
104A, Leoforos Vasilissis Olgas 104A
Z.C. 546 43 Thessaoniki
T. (+030) 2310 816 166