Checks at the filling stations of Imathia Prefecture!

From the region of Central Macedonia and the General Directorate of Transport and Communications and with Arch. 229700/10290, a decision of the Deputy Chief of Regional Inspectorate, Mr. Konstantinos Kaletzidis on the subject of inspections and inspections at the gas stations of gas stations, gas stations and mixed service stations, car stations, washing machines - lubricants and repair and maintenance workshops for cars, motorcycles and mopeds.

A. We design and carry out inspections and inspections of the following technical staff: - gas and gas stations, car stations, washing machines - lubricants and repair and maintenance shops for cars, motorcycles and mopeds;

1) Spyridou Kalliopi, Deputy Head of Technical Department of Transport and Communications Division of Regional Unity of Imathia, Electrical Engineering in Grade A.
2) Messiko Christos, employee of the Technical Department of the Transport and Communications Division of Regional Unity of Imathia, Engineers with Grade A '.
3) Polymeni Konstantinos, employee of the Technical Department of the Transport and Communications Division of Regional Unity of Imathia, Car Engineers with Grade C '.
B. The above engineers will, after inspections and audits, report accordingly if required.
C. This appeal may be appealed by anyone having a legitimate interest pursuant to article 227 of Law 3852/2010 (Government Gazette 87 A / 07-6-2010) "New Architecture of Local Government and Decentralized Administration - Kallikratis Program ".
D. This Decision repeals any previous decision relating to this subject.


In the following link you can see the decision


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