Expansion Input Systems and GPS systems are advancing on inland waterways until February 2018 with the new GG!

A decision was published in the Government Gazette that regulates the problem of delay in the receipt of electronic systems for Outflow Input Control on floating logistics - marine fuel transportation.

With this decision, a new paragraph is added to Article 4 of the Ministerial Decree No. 0004170 of 2015 / 15.12.2015 as follows:

"Those who have submitted a request for installation of an electronic input-control system and have a written offer from the installer before the specified deadline and within one month, but the system has not been granted for reasons related to the installer, which is confirmed in writing shall be exempt from the penalties provided for if the installation of the system is completed by 28/2/2018. '

Article 4 of the Decision, which defines the procedures and schedule for the installation and operation of an electronic input-output control system and a Global Positioning System (GPS), data collection and transmission, is coded as follows:

Article 4 "

"Installation schedule Send items

All waterborne logistics are obliged to install by October 31, 2017 or the first legal levy from the adoption of the joint ministerial decision referred to in the first paragraph of Article 1 herein, an electronic input - output control system and an electronic positioning system (Global Positioning System GPS), data collection and sending. After the installation of the above systems and following the announcement of the availability of the central database, a test operation of two (2) months takes place and the production function starts where the data are sent on a continuous basis.

Those who have submitted a request for an electronic entry control system and have a written offer from the installer before the specified deadline and within one month, but the system has not been granted for installation reasons, are exempted from the sanctions provided that the installation of the system is completed by 28/2/2018.


In the following link you can see the new decision


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